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StressTest™ Performance and Load Testing for Voice Communications Solutions

Contact center and communications solutions offer companies a significant opportunity to control costs and improve customer satisfaction if implemented and maintained appropriately. If the solutions are not implemented and maintained properly, the opportunities become risks and eventually customers are negatively impacted. With StressTest™ performance and load testing, you can validate the performance of your end-to-end contact center and communications solutions to assure the best possible experience for your customers and the best possible efficiencies and savings for your company.

With IQ Services’ StressTest™ performance and load testing services, you go beyond component level testing to ensure the integrated components of the solution perform as expected in the production environment. Because you test from the outside-in or customer perspective, you know what your customers will experience when they interact with your solution and you decide when and how to optimize performance. Instead of receiving anecdotal complaints or unsubstantiated claims from an irritated customer, StressTest™ services give you robust, actionable data and the chance to observe, tune and verify performance before you implement a new system, upgrade an existing system or apply a patch/fix.

StressTest™ performance and load testing services can deliver 12 to 10,000+ simultaneous test calls over the PSTN to exercise your contact center and communications solutions just like real customers. IQ Services’ patented technology and methodologies are used to verify step responses, measure response times and capture other actionable data from each StressTest™ test call so you know how your solution performs under various levels of load.

Thanks to IQ Services for the article. 

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