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IR Prognosis Contact Centre Testing Solutions


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Performance Testing

From design to development, delivery, production and evolution - IR Testing Solutions provides cloud-based end-to-end, automated testing as a service. This army of secret shoppers will let you know if the solutions you’ve provided are delivering the easy-to-use, low-effort and high quality customer experience you intended.

Just like real customers, you can analyze live customer interactions and observe, tune and verify voice and IVR performance under various conditions. This gives you the confidence at every stage of the communications solution lifecycle that they work as intended.

As the only fully integrated proactive systems management and testing product solution for UC and contact centers Prognosis will make sure it’s humming along end-to-end, all day, every day.

Together we can manage the complexity that is your world.

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IVR Automated Feature Function Testing

Automated Feature Function Testing is a comprehensive and repeatable way to test each feature of an IVR application against design documentation throughout its life cycle. Delivered as a service or a licensed product, outside-in testing provides accurate, unemotional data about the customer experience actually delivered.

You can verify that your solution is developed, implemented and performs as intended.

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Prognosis StressTest

Load and performance cloud-based testing gives you the insight you need to manage, tune and verify contact center performance before you go live. You can create load with virtual shoppers who access and use contact center technology exactly as it’s intended to be used: one at a time, or hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands.

Whether you’re adding a new service, recovering after repair, or upgrading self-service capabilities, Stresstest allows you to manage the risk of change. StressTest validates that around the clock, on high days and holidays and during peaks and troughs, the carrier, cloud service, internal network, and application are robust and ready for real time. In this way you can go live with confidence.


Prognosis HeartBeat


 You’re confident your application is performing according to design. And you know it can take the load you placed on it duringstress testing. Prognosis tells you that.
But do you know if every single feature is still working in every location and for every agent? That’s what Prognosis HeartBeat does for you.

It initiates Virtual Customer test calls that interact with your system through the public telephone network just like real customers. You decide how frequently test calls occur—from one call an hour, a day or week to several calls an hour, or continuously.

If the response at a given step is unexpected or takes longer than anticipated – Prognosis HeartBeat lets you know. It bridges the gap between internal monitoring and actual end-to-end performance so you can understand the complete customer service experience and get straight on it, before your customers are affected.


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IR Prognosis


Contact Us


Telnet Networks Inc.
4145 North Service Rd. Suite 200
Burlington, ON  L7L 6A3


(800) 561-4019



For More Information about Telnet Networks, our products, or our services, or to request a quote please feel free to contact us directly.

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